As I stated in a previous post, Islamic Coalition, with Russian Support, is ready to launch an assault against Israel, I firmly believe that Iran, Syria, Russia, and a few other key players, are going to launch an attack against Israel in the effort to wipe her off the map, and the coalition will lose badly.
We also know that Doug has given us a clue in how we should have dealt with Iraq in the first place by using the proper images on his Blog O' Truth.
We also know that the military has been staging nuclear weapons for use in the Middle East.
I'd say.. the best way to support our troops is not to deploy them to Iran.. but just to nuke the entire Middle East. That will end the threat of terrorism, and be a big first step in the eradication of Islam. Doug gave us a big clue to that, because we all know the war is against Islam - therefore the easiest way to do that is just nuke them all.
There's one small wrinkle to the plan though.
Our Leader likes the Saudis for some reason.. despite the fact that 17 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. If we're going to nuke Islam, then it follows that we have to nuke the Saudis as well, doesn't it?
Doug.. how can we kill all the Muslims in Saudi Arabia and not upset The Leader? I can't quite figure that one out yet. Maybe he's trying to convert them? If that's true, can you ask one of your friends if they know if Leader has converted them yet, so we can get them out of Saudi Arabia before we nuke it?
Oh.. heck.. just had another thought. Nukes are nasty because they destroy infrastructure. Lets just use biological weapons that kill everyone, but then disapate so we can repopulate the cities with Christians... plus we'd get all that oil to boot. Paying a lot for gas sucks.. but I guess since The Leader was in the oil business so long, it's the price we have to pay to have such a fine Leader. Besides.. it's capitalism and they deserve to have more money and tax breaks and all that.
Oh.. and you libtards can suck it if you don't like it. Suck the giant wang of the Deputy Leader you homos.
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People should read this.
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