Thursday, September 27, 2007

I Just Solved the Illegal Alien Problem

You remember the movie Aliens, and the sentry guns they used to destroy the hordes of attacking aliens?

That's right. We build a wall accross the entire 1951 mile border with Mexico, and place sentry guns on the walls, spaced evenly within the range of each gun. Then we put a bunch of signs, in Spanish, just outside the range of the guns so the enemies of the United States know what awaits them if they try and break the law.

Problem solved.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Taking What's Ours

Finally.. a Congressman with Balls.

New York Rep. Peter King, a prominent House Republican, said there are "too many mosques in this country" in a recent interview with Politico.

"There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam," King said. "We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them."

When asked to clarify his statement, King did not revise his answer, saying "I think there has been a lack of full cooperation from too many people in the Muslim community."

When the founding fathers of this country wrote the Establishment Clause to the Constitution, they didn't mean it applied to Muslims or other heathen religions... despite the fact that Muslims ultimately believe in the very same God as Christians.

The United States is a Christian Dominionist nation. The Bible is very clear about this..

The terminology has been taken from the King James Version of the Bible, Genesis 1:28

And God blessed [ Adam and Eve ], and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

See that? Pefectly clear. This means American Christians have to subdue every living thing (which includes human beings obviously) on the planet, and that means that Christians have to control the U.S. Government. We need a pastor to be President.

Rep. Peter King is absolutely right.. there are too many mosques in the United States - meaning, there shouldn't be any at all. They must be subdued, either by converting them to Christian churches or by deporting all the Muslims, and then converting their mosques to Christian churches.

I'm sure Doug would agree.. there are too many Muslims and they are organizing and going to spread out and wait for the signal to start the Jihad in American streets. Doug says it's going to happen, so you know it has to be true.

So, how do we convert the evil Muslims? Doug knows how.. as he says;

A concert of contemporary Christian music has made its rounds of the country with large numbers of attendees, and no negative incidents, despite the fact that converts to Christianity generally face social ostracism. Newspapers and magazines estimate 25,000 to 40,000 Muslims have become followers of Christ in recent years, page 208, Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg. The growth of Christianity in Iraq and Iran, as reported by "Behind the Black Veil," Charisma, June 2004, is at an all time high as well as people in those areas search for freedom from the violence of Islam, and find it in the mercy of Christianity.

That's right.. we use the mother of all bombs.. Amy Grant!

I guess I'm just more honest with saying what's on my mind.. but since it's a war on Islam.. why deport the muzzies? We need to do something.. You know what to do..

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Right ANSWER!!!1

See what I did there? LOL

Douglas V. Gibbs is no coward when it comes to speaking the truth.

ANSWER, which in my opinion has the wrong answer, will be marching on Washington D.C. today in a massive anti-war/anti-military/anti-patriotism/anti-America march.

You know.. the most recent polling about the war shows;

71% do not approve of the way the war has been handeled
57% think it was a mistake to launch the war in the first place
58% think the war has made the situation in Iraq worse
59% think the war will be viewed as a "failure"
59% think removing Hussein from power was not worth the cost in American lives

So, I'm seeing a trend here. These people are the same sorts that march with ANSWER. There is obviously 60-70% of the American public that are "anti-military", and "anti-patriot", and "anti-American".

And what are people like that called in a time of war? That's right.. traitors.

And what do we do with traitors in a time of war? Hang them

Now.. that's not very politically correct, and it might be hard to round up 170 to 210 million Americans and execute them for treason. But what we could do is setup some Michelle Malkin style concentration camps to house these traitors.. until the war is over..

and we all know the war is going to take a very long time..

Read the Clues

Doug wrote this obvious truth last week;

As I stated in a previous post, Islamic Coalition, with Russian Support, is ready to launch an assault against Israel, I firmly believe that Iran, Syria, Russia, and a few other key players, are going to launch an attack against Israel in the effort to wipe her off the map, and the coalition will lose badly.

We also know that Doug has given us a clue in how we should have dealt with Iraq in the first place by using the proper images on his Blog O' Truth.

We also know that the military has been staging nuclear weapons for use in the Middle East.

I'd say.. the best way to support our troops is not to deploy them to Iran.. but just to nuke the entire Middle East. That will end the threat of terrorism, and be a big first step in the eradication of Islam. Doug gave us a big clue to that, because we all know the war is against Islam - therefore the easiest way to do that is just nuke them all.

There's one small wrinkle to the plan though.

Our Leader likes the Saudis for some reason.. despite the fact that 17 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. If we're going to nuke Islam, then it follows that we have to nuke the Saudis as well, doesn't it?

Doug.. how can we kill all the Muslims in Saudi Arabia and not upset The Leader? I can't quite figure that one out yet. Maybe he's trying to convert them? If that's true, can you ask one of your friends if they know if Leader has converted them yet, so we can get them out of Saudi Arabia before we nuke it?

Oh.. heck.. just had another thought. Nukes are nasty because they destroy infrastructure. Lets just use biological weapons that kill everyone, but then disapate so we can repopulate the cities with Christians... plus we'd get all that oil to boot. Paying a lot for gas sucks.. but I guess since The Leader was in the oil business so long, it's the price we have to pay to have such a fine Leader. Besides.. it's capitalism and they deserve to have more money and tax breaks and all that.

Oh.. and you libtards can suck it if you don't like it. Suck the giant wang of the Deputy Leader you homos.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Do Something

There's just so much political correctness in the political debate these days. So many people are afraid to say what needs to be said because they are worried that some libtard is going to take their words and twist them to mean something completely different then what they meant. The libtards are especially effective at quoting what we write directly, as if that's what we actually meant to say.. which is just a bunch of twisting mumbo jumbo that they do with their trickery.

For example, our hero recently wrote this;

Honestly, when it comes down to it, the Moral Retardation of the Left and the rise of Islam seriously stumps me. I cannot understand how anybody, when faced with an enemy that tells us straight out that they wish to destroy Israel, America, and the Western Culture as a whole, calls us the enemy because America has taken action to protect her National Security.

While it might be true (I doubt it - it's the liberal media lying again) that the "action" we took was against a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11, did not possess WMD's, and was not threatening us, that doesn't mean that it was a bad idea. See.. He's exactly right they, the libtards, aren't just saying we were wrong.. they're saying that we're the "enemy". I know Doug didn't provide any source where the libtards are calling us the enemy, but they do.. trust me.. I've seen it on a number of really really far left blogs, and we know that's the typical view of most liberals and entirely representative of their thinking. They call us the "enemy".

The larger point is, again, the political correctness. Doug has gone further than most patriots to speak the plain truth. He says it like it is;

The multiculturalist liberal believes we should embrace the enemy's belief system and respect their ways - not realizing that whatever we do in regards to the war on Islam there will continue to be more jihads.

It's not a "war on terror". It's not a "war on extremists". It's a war on the whole damn religion of Islam, and the libtards are too afraid to admit it.

But how do you fight a war? Do you coddle them? We know that over 1 billion Muslims are the target of our war because we're at war with their entire religion, but what to do? Even the bravest among us are nervous to say what needs to be said.

"Do you really think that Islamic Terrorists can actually just do everything that Ahmadinejad is threatening?"
Absolutely, unless we do something to stop it.

Doug won't say it because he's worried that he'll be painted as an insane madman, wanting to destroy the entire planet... which is not true.. He just wants to destroy Islam. But how? What is this something we need to do?

Doug shows us;

From the beginning we should have gone in with guns blazing, destroyed a few cities, turned some sand to glass, allowed for collateral damage, and showed the world that if you screw with the United States your nation is going to suffer.

That's right boys and girls. If you screw with the United States (and even if you didn't really), you'll get nukes jammed up your ass. (excuse my language Jesus)

Doug may not come right out and say it, but the meaning is clear - and I don't really care what the libtards say about me. They are just a bunch of cowards..

We need to bring the wholesale slaughter of 1 billion human beings by using nuclear weapons.. and we need to destroy their cities.

It's the only way we can protect America... and might just have the side benefit of bringing the Rapture.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

We are the world

It's important to note that America is the moral center of the world. Our system of government is clearly superior, and there are a lot of other nations that are pushing comunism and Islamic theocracy. Those nations don't seem to be swayed by our example and aren't heading towards freedom and democracy on their own.

Something needs to be done.


I customized my blog header. That's not ME! That's my favorite novelist, blogger, and radio show host.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This country is going to hell in a handbasket, so it's time to get this blog started. I'm sick to death of all the filth on the internet, and the hate mongering, so lets get back to some traditional values.

Priority 1. We must return this country to it's Judeo-Christian values it was founded on. Children must be allowed to pray in school, and anything that has to do with the homos has to be removed from the libraries.

I don't want my kids to read about homos and turn into one, if you know what I mean.

Next, we must Support the Troops. Organize drives in your neighborhood so we can send care packages to the brave American soldiers. Islam is hell bent on taking over the world, and they tell us that every day. We must destroy them before they destroy us. They are already infiltrating our cities and are simply preparing for the time when they will rise up, and it will be Red Dawn (only this time against Muzzies) in the streets of America.

Finally, this country was founded by Europeans.. not Mexicans.. and it's true that the Mexicans are breeding a hell of a lot faster than the white people.. and most of those Mexicans are illegal and taking good jobs away from hard working white Americans. We must enforce all immigration laws, and that means we need to redirect the police to checking on all these employers that are unfairly employing Mexicans and driving Americans out of business.

We must also drive the homos back into the closet. I don't care what they do in their own dens of sodomy, but it's against biblical principles to allow them to teach children (they rape kids you know), nor have any other civil law rights because it's just not natural and against Christianity.

Now.. that doesn't mean I'm a hater.. because I don't hate people, but it's just my principal and faith in Christ that we have to bring this country back into the way things used to be because it's all so full of sin now. So, I love the sinner, but hate the sin, so it's better if people stop sinning.

To recap;

Christianity is the offical religion of America. Deal with it.
Kill more terrorists because we'll eventually get them all.
Send the Mexicans back to Mexico and put up a big wall that even Super Man can't get past.