It's been quite a while since I've posted. I've been very bush.. err. busy with my church group.. but I've got to get a few things off my chest.
It's quite evident that society today is not what it used to be. So many of our Biblical foundations are cast asside in the name of "policial correctness" - as if people have some sort of "right" to live the way they want to. People need to realize that the moral decay of this nation is causing the disintegration of families and society as a whole. No longer is Jesus first in people's minds. They are concerned about transiant things such as their selfish pursuits of pleasurable activities. It is disturbing to me.
Just look at the state of marriage in this nation. This idea of "divorce on demand" is driving people apart, and wreaking chaos on the lives of both parents and children. Jesus was very insistant that divorce is a high sin, yet in this nation, a married couple can simply file papers in a courtroom, and suddenly they owe nothing to each other or their children.
This is a direct result of allowing women to choose who they marry. In Biblical times, marriages were arranged.. and properly paid for through dowries. Men were the head of the household, and their word was law unless superceeded by the word of God. This idea of "love" is irrelevant, besides, once a wife is properly cared for and has children to attend to, she will automatically find the proper "love" for her husaband. She really has no other choice.
Now, we see divorce rates skyrocket, particularly in those areas of the nation that are most Christian. There is a waiting period to get a gun, but no waiting period (of say 5 years will do) to get a divorce? Don't get me wrong, I don't think a woman should have to put up with being beaten.. at least not repeatedly.. but if she merely did her wifely duties in a Godly fashion, there would be no reason for discipline.
We also see society trying to insist that marriage should be a matter of choice. The Bible clearly states that a man and woman should be "equally yoked". Now we have people of completely different races actually choosing to marry, as if there should be any choice in the first place! When races mix, the identity and heritage of that race is dilluted, and if it continues, eventually there will be no more pride in national heritiage, and religious identities will crumble. This is not what God intended. A Christian marrying a Jew? A black marrying a white?
Which brings me to the most insidius attacks on the Godly institution of marriage.. and I find this hard to even think about sometimes.. but despite the aversion that it causes me, I think about it a lot. In fact, serveral times every day I think about this..
Men think they can marry another man. This ranks right up there with divorce in how much it must make Jesus sad. Do you know what they actually do? I've done a lot of research in what they actually do.. even forced myself to watch some videos so I could be properly armed to counter the insurgency that attacks our most treasured faith-based morality.
It's just not biological.. and besides, there can be no children as a result, and the most important thing that a marriage produces is children. Jesus love the children, and when everyone starts doing this dispicable acts, there will be no more children and God's plan is destroyed.
This goes back to the idea that people seem to think that their own happiness and pleasure is the point of life. It's not. God comes first, and Jesus also as a first because they are the same.
It may seem like I'm being harsh.. but it's just not right! Once society sanctions these relationships as legitimate, it turns away from God. The liberal left likes to say that I don't have to have a gay marriage if I don't want to, and what other people do is none of my business, but that's not true. Their sick marriage debases society and sends a signal to children that it's okay to flaunt the laws of God.. and so then they think that other Biblical prohibitions don't apply to them.. and they may not honor their mother and father anymore.. and they may think that "thou shalt not kill" doesn't apply to them.. and this is why you see children killing their parents.
In other words, if society allows these people to marry, you best lock your bedroom door when you go to sleep at night.
Now, that's not to say these people can't get married. They are free to marry a person of the opposite gender, and it will turn out fine. It's only been in the last hundred years or so that people were allowed to pick their own spouses anyway, so it'll just be like it was.. plus.. because they were choosing to be that way, they will naturally have an attraction to their opposite gender new spouse.. and naturally they'll make babies and that common gift will keep these couples together.
We should encourage that.. because it will raise up their spirits, and they will feel fully included in the larger society around them. No longer will they be thought of as less than human. Jesus would surely bless their marriages as God intended. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
This attack on marriage from the liberal left is caused by the lack of personal responsibility to society as a whole. They think it's okay to not work, and that everyone else should take care of them. Jesus was not a Communist, and never demanded society pool their resources in order for other people to not do their part. It creates a class of people that have no incentive to do anything, because human beings are naturally lazy.
Who really wants to work anyway? Hell, I'd like to sit in my lavish house, doing nothing all day, and have everyone else take care of it. But, Jesus knew that idle hands are the work of the devil, and those people just sitting around at home all day are likely to do things with their hands that they should not. I've seen videos of that too, while doing my research. I can see that sin in my mind almost constantly and it turns my stomache.
If we do away with all assistance to all people, those people will naturally need to eat, and to do that they'll work to earn their own way. If they don't, well, the church will help keep the children from turning into those poor African babies you see with the big stomaches. Charity is a noble purpose, but it's Communist to make people give charity.. and again, Jesus was a free market capitalist, and not a Communist.
Which brings me to the economy. Just like married couples must be "equally yoked", so must national economies. Our country is obviously blessed by God with great resources, and it's not right that we exchange monies or goods with other countries that are not hard working free marketers like we are. Many of those nations are Communist Marxist Socialist societies that think that their people should provide for common resources for all their people.
God rewards work, and what do the best workers get? More money.. therefore, God clearly favors those with the most money because they did the most work..
Which brings me to the war of Jesus versus Mohammed. This decline in society has reduced the number of warriors in Jesus' name. The Muslims are quite focused in organizing their Jihadists to kill us all. Islam is a false and violent religion, and when confronted, we must be violenter than they are or else we'll all die..
Which brings me to religion. The Muslims may be evil, but they are not stupid. They know that they can't face our Christ military, but they can breed and spread and take over Christian nations. Political correctness is their tool.. and they use the bleeding heart liberals in the Socialist Marxist Communist Western European countries and they will destroy the Christians in those countries by out breeding them.
And that goes back to what I said about marriage. We need even those "sick" people to start marrying and having children because if we don't, there won't be anymore white.. err.. there won't be anymore of our people because they'll be snuffed out by the beheading sword of the Muslims.. once the Muslims take over in Europe, they will come here.
In fact, a lot of them are already here.. and they are organized. I see them more and more on the streets of even God's new chosen land.. Texas.
And that brings me to immigration.. because there's so many illegals here, and they should be trying to improve their own countries, instead of ruining ours. God and Jesus clearly did not intend different races to migrate and move around. They're supposed to stay where God put them.
So, it's pretty simple.. Stay in your race and religion, marry somebody of the opposite sex who is single. Have children. Kill those who would kill us first, because if we don't, Jesus will lose. I understand that it seems harsh that other people get caught up in the battle, but Saddam and Gehmorrah were destroyed by God for less reasons, and their were probably lots of people who had nothing to do with the sin that got killed.. but death is not the end, so we shouldn't worry about those that get vaporized in the nuclear blast.. because they will go to heaven and they will be with Jesus.. and if you think about it, it happens instantly so they won't even know what happened. It'll be like, sitting at the dinner table having some soup, and the next second they are at the Gates, and Jesus is waiting just on the other side.. with all their other friends and family that have already gone to heaven.. so it's really a good thing that these people are reunited with their families and friends, because that's what is good and moral in this world.. and maybe you won't need to beat your wife anymore because you won't need her to make you a pot pie because you won't get hungry.. or if you do, there's going to be like a huge BBQ in God's back yard.. and I'll even bet there's beer, because Jesus liked wine, and beer is just like wine, except better.
So, there you have it. Clearly the historical times were better than today. The New Crusade will save so many people.. create new children.. send a lot of children to heaven really fast... and stop people from doing those really disgusting things.. so there won't be anymore of those damn videos of that disgusting behavior..
Oh.. and while I'm thinking about it. I don't understand this crazy anger from the liberal left. They use all kinds of profane words, and say things in a way that makes people even stop listening to their point - as if their point is really even a point anyway. It's just more and more idiocy.. but when they use that language, it makes me think about hands.. and those sick people again, and what they do. It's like their so angry and I can't imagine why. I mean, I'm very concerned about the way that society is going, but I'm not about to be so angry about it that I'll use words that are bad. Words have meaning, and the way you say them has meaning.. and when somebody is angry, it automatically means that what they are saying is false.. because they are just imbalanced and if they got therapy, from a good Creation Intelligent Designing therapist, they'll be fine and they will see the better way.. which is Jesus.
Oh.. and the Pope is a false.. umm... what's the word? He's like all false and stuff because there is no supperior.. uh.. like a guy that get's his commands directly from God. So Catholics can be next after the Muslism because they are false and they are having kids and are going to take over our country.
The point is, there are naturally divisions between people. Different races are different for a reason. There are two sexes for a reason. There are borders for a reason. There is rich people and poor people for a reason.. and fu.. umm.. the poor caused their own poorness.
Thank you for reading, and God Bless in the Goodness of Christ.
I forgot to mention.. that Christ soldiers that are too big of a baby to go face the Islamofasicaterraististas are.. um.. they are babies and stuff.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
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